Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We had a really good holiday. On Thursday, Thanksgiving day we went to my sisters' and brother in-laws' house (Dawn & David) for lunch. It was a really good time. We had lunch then play games all afternoon.
Then for dinner we went to our grandma and grandpas' house, on the Hall's side. Again we had a lot of fun just enjoying each others company and sharing with each other, stories about the past. Ava had lots of fun at both place because she was the center of attention.
On Friday, or Black Friday, Kristi and I hosted Thanksgiving at our house; we had her dad and brother over, also her mom, step-dad, sister, and grandma. Chuck, Kristi's step-dad did all the cooking or almost all the cooking, I made the rolls. Chuck came over early and started the turkey, then later he fixed mashed potato's, corn, sweet potato's, and the night before he made pumpkin pies. Friday was very nice, I AM SO THANKFUL FOR ALL OF OUR FAMILY, and that Kristi and I didn't have to do the cooking.
This week AVA has been doing a lot of new things, she is starting to point to people that she recognizes, she is making some new and very funny faces, and she has even taken a few steps on her own. Here are a few pics from Thanksgiving day and the Thanksgiving Friday.