Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Look at all the people who visited me in my first week, this wasn't everyone, but all the people Daddy got a picture of. I am very loved. Thank you, friends and family, for visiting me, your prayers and being there for my mommy and daddy.
Love Ava...

Nights are still a little rough.

Last night we had a rough night with the whole sleeping thing. Ava has only had 3 rough nights of sleep. Last night we tried everything or at least everything we knew. She didn't go to sleep until 5:15 am. That becomes a rough night. I am very thankful that it has only been a couple nights and I am very thankful she is healthy.

At 5:15 in the morning when I was dosing in and out and thinking to myself that this kindof stinks, no this really stinks; I ended up having a dream or maybe it was more of Gods way of saying just quit whining, but I had this thought of all the things that could of been wrong with Ava, all the complications she could of had, all the deformities she could of had, or not even had been born.

Thank you Lord for a beautiful and healthy baby Ava.

Love Daddy...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mommy's Thoughts

Sunday January 21st was one of the BEST days of my life! The only day that it competes with is the day that I married the love of my life!! Our day was quite an exciting one to say the least...I was extremely excited that we were finally going to meet our little miracle, but at the same time I really was rather afraid on the inside! I was afraid that I wouldn't know how to be a good mommy to a beautiful tiny baby girl who would depend on her Daddy and I to be her everything for as long as she needs us to be. As it turns out, Danny and I are a good Mommy/Daddy team, a team who would do anything for our "little princess"!! Yes, the first few nights were rough, but with the tremendous support from our family, friends, and many, many prayers, we are adjusting to our new life beautifully!!


Monday, January 29, 2007

Ava is so good..

For those of you who know Kristi and I we love to eat out. In fact we used to eat out every meal. But since Ava has been born. We have only been out to eat two times. Both time Ava just slept through the meal. She is so good.

Love daddy

Sunday, January 28, 2007

1 week ago was a crazy, amazing and emotional day. At 6:15 am Kristi woke me up and was having back pains. She said we should start writing down her contractions. After 3 hours of contractions and them getting stronger we called the doctor and she told us to go to the hospital and she would meet us there. When we got there Kristi was having lots of contractions and was 3 centimeters. She got an epidural, fell asleep and 4.5 hours later was 9 centimeters. The Labor nurse said it was GO TIME and started to prepare for the delivery. After 24 minutes of pushing, we had Ava Grace.

It was so amazing watching her be born. It was truly a miracle from God. He has blessed Kristi and I tremendously with Ava. After birth Ava had a very high breathing rate and they thought they were going to have to put her in the NICU. I was scared for my baby girl. But again God was good and He slowed her breathing. I was able to help give her very first bath.

To GOD be the glory. Thank you for Ava Grace.

Love Daddy.

Welcome to the world baby Ava.

We are now a family of three. Ava was born Sunday January 21, 2007 at 4:09. She weighed 7 pounds and 4 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. We are so blessed to have her in our lives. She is healthy and beautiful.